Free 10 Page Monthly Blog Planner + Ultimate 38-Page Blog Planner!
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Fresh, new, and revamped just for you! Hey there fellow bloggers, About a month ago I was able to attend an amazing blog conference call Activate down in Orlando. That conference lit a fire in me and left me ready to dive deep into my blog and blogging strategy! I came home and got to work reevaluating and revamping CassieScroggins.com, and implementing all the things I learned from all the amazing speakers at Activate.
I became reacquainted with my avatar and launched my first Product: The Mom To Momtrepreneur – How to Conquer Your First 30-Days Blogging During Nap Time ebook, and revamped both of my lead magnets! As I was revamping my old 8 page free monthly blog planner, I just couldn’t stop! I made page after page after page to add to the planner to make it better and better and better, ending up with a final 38-page killer Monthly Blog Planner! And I want to give you 10 pages free!
These new free 10 pages are a lot prettier than my old 8-page free blog planner. And I added in a new stat tracker to help you track your stats each month, revamped the income/expense tracker to make a little more sense, and changed the format of the calendar page so you can fit more in! Sign up below to get your free 10 pages below!
Want even more?
The 38 Page Blog Planner includes:
- A Monthly Blog Planner Cover Page
- Blog Identity pages
- Goal Setting pages
- Post Brainstorming pages
- Fill-in Calendar Pages
- Post Outline Pages
- Month at a Glance Pages
- To Do & Daily Planner Pages
- Income, Expense, & Stat Trackers
- Affiliate Sheets
- Brand Contact Sheets
- Motivational Quote Pages
- Product and Lead Magnet Brainstorm Pages
- And More!
And you can get your hands on the new blog planner HERE for only $20 right now!
But, if you sign up to my email list, you can get the entire planner for over HALF OFF! Yes you can get all 38-pages for ONLY $9 for a limited time when you sign up to my email list via get the free 10-page planner! (You can unsubscribe at any time.) Sign up for the free Planner below to get your $9 blog planner offer and keep your blog organized and running smoohtly each month!
The Comments
Hi! I have sent you a message via Facebook & Instagram- I purchased the 46 page mom planner and I entered the wrong number at the end of my email address so I’m unable to access it from my computer to print it- was wondering how I could fix it or if I’m able too- I have proof of purchase as well! Thanks so much! This planner is everything I need!