How Do Bloggers Make Money? – 5 Ways To Make Money as a Blogger
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How do bloggers make money?
We see bloggers everywhere making thousands even millions online and we all ask the same question. How, the heck, do bloggers make money?
Bloggers, unlike regular jobs, make their money from a cumulation of multiple different sources. They don’t just get a check from one company or person.
Most of the time when we think blogger we think of those beautiful fashion, travel, or lifestyle bloggers who are Instagram famous or all the moms who started a family blog back in 2010. But bloggers are more than pretty Instagram faces and moms.
Nowadays, bloggers come in every shape and form and blog about everything! If you have a passion and knowledge about something you can make money blogging about it. From teaching crochet or even cat grooming, you can be a successful blogger that makes money online! But how?
P.s. If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog but just don’t know how here is a complete step by step guide to starting a blog that will make you money! It takes you step by step through the process from choosing the perfect name to finally launching! Read it here!
The 5 Ways Bloggers Make Money:
As a blogger, you can join affiliate programs offered by other businesses. Which means that business with pay you a commission fee for every lead or sale you drive to their website at no extra cost to the buyer.
For example, I am apart of the Amazon Affiliate program which means when someone buys something from Amazon.com through a link on my site I make a commission at no extra cost to the buyer. – Join here.
There are all kinds of different affiliate programs from different businesses so when a blogger really loves and uses a product, they can reach out the business and join as an affiliate which means they can make money while sharing the things they love with their readers.
How much can you make from affiliates? Michelle from Making Sense of Cents made over $64,000 from affiliates in December 2017 ALONE! See her income report here.
Another way bloggers make money is by running ads on their sites. You can run ads by being apart of an ad network like Google Adsense, Mediavine (what I use apply here), Adthrive, and more. Or you can personally sell advertising space on your site yourself.
Ads will pay you a certain amount of money per views or clicks the ad receives so more traffic to your site means more money!
Ads are a great way to make passive income, meaning you don’t have to sell anything or ask your readers to buy anything so you can make money.
Sponsored Posts:
Have you ever scrolled through Instagram and saw a post that said #ad? That is a sponsored post! A sponsored post is when a brand offers to pay a blogger by cash or free product in exchange for a post promoting their product or service.
Now this isn’t just for social media, bloggers get paid to write a sponsored post on their blogs as well. So don’t worry if you don’t have a large following yet on social media, you can still make money from sponsors. Even a small blog can make a few hundred dollars with one sponsored post!
Bloggers get sponsored posts by either joining a network like Izea or Blog Meets Brand that connects them with brands or reaching out to brands themselves and sending them their media kit which is basically a resume for bloggers.
Their Own Products:
A great way to make money as a blogger is by selling your own products, physical or digital!
One aspect of being a blogger is serving your target audience and writing for their needs. As bloggers continue to build a relationship and get to know their audience, they eventually have the opportunity to create something specifically for their readers like a course, ebook, service or a physical product.
The benefit of selling your own product is you get all the money. Not just a part like a commission, but all of it! And you get to serve your audience by creating something that was made specifically for them that you know they want or need.
Free Gifts:
This is similar to a sponsored post except there are no strings attached. Although it isn’t actually cash, free gifts from brands also count towards their income.
As bloggers grow their readership and followings, many have to opportunity to receive free product or services from brands just for the chance that the blogger may share the product with their followings or a chance to work together in the future no strings attached!
It’s a free “Share it if you want and if not, thats okay too!” type of deal. Which sounds pretty good to me!
Who can make money blogging?
If you have the drive and are willing to work, you can turn your own knowledge and passions into a thriving online business! But is blogging right for you?
Anyone who…
- Would love to make a living from home (or anywhere that has wifi).
- Has a knowledge or passionate about something (anything! Yes, even cat grooming).
- Is looking for a creative outlet.
- loves to write.
- Is ready to be their own boss and make their own hours.
- And is willing to put in the hours (blogging is a lot of work!).
All you need is a step by step guide to get you started! So read the completely free step by step guide to starting your own profitable blog here!
And you can join the squad that makes money in their PJs! Welcome!
If you want more blogging tips and resources, join our email list below!
The Comments
Gennevive Tamez
Hi Cassie! I found you through your podcast! It has helped me learn so much and I just bought your blog planner! I’ve had a blog for a while (memorablemommyblog)
And I am just now investing into it ! I was very intimidated when I first started and had absolutely no clue what it takes! But I am definitely learning thanks to you and a few other Mommy bloggers I love! I just wanted to Thankyou for putting out amazing content and ask if you had any tips on growing a blog as a stay at home mom, and if you are open to guest posting!?