How to Become a Morning Person and Love it (In 10 Easy Steps)
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Have you always wanted to be the kind of person that naturally wakes up early, jumps out of bed, and starts each day with energy and optimism? Yeah, Me too.
As a self proclaimed night owl, I’ve always wanted to be a morning person. Not just someone who can miserably force themselves to roll out of bed after their alarm clock rings, I could do that. But a person that looks forward to waking up and starting their day early every day.
At 26, I’ve finally figured out how to become that early riser. Now I look forward to getting up early each day and find that I am less stressed, get more things done, and have more energy throughout the day.
We all know how difficult it is to wake up in the morning. But what if you could achieve this better than ever with the help of 10 simple steps that will make your mornings brighter, more organized, and happier?
This article covers everything you need to become a morning person in no time!
- What is a morning person?
- Benefits of being a morning person
- Why your Chronobiology matters
- You don’t have to be a morning person
- 10 Steps to Becoming a Morning Person
- 1. Create a morning routine
- 2. Prep the night before
- 3. Get out to bed to turn off your alarm clock
- 4. Get enough sleep – 7-8 hours is optimal
- 5. Use morning sunlight to help wake you up
- 6. Drink a big glass of water first thing
- 7. Exercise in the mornings, even if it’s just for 10 minutes
- 8. Get dressed and ready for the day
- 9. Get out of the house
- 10. Understand your why
- Conclusion

What is a morning person?
A morning person is someone who enjoys waking up early and starting their day with energy. They are usually optimistic and have a lot of ambition to get things done. Morning people typically enjoy going to bed early so they can wake up early and get a head start on the day. But it’s more than just personality that makes them like this.
Benefits of being a morning person
There are many benefits to being one of these people that thrives during the morning hours. Early risers are usually more productive and have more energy throughout the day. They also tend to be less stressed and have better moods overall. Early rising people also tend to be healthier and have better diets because they get more things done during the day and have more time for exercise and healthy eating.
Why your Chronobiology matters
Chronobiology is the study of biological rhythms in living organisms. These rhythms can be seen in things such as daily activities, hormone secretion, and body temperature. The study of chronobiology can help us to understand how our bodies work and how we can better adapt our lifestyles to fit our natural rhythms.
The Three Chronotypes
While society works on a 24 hour clock, our bodies actually work on a slightly different schedule. There are three chronotypes that indicate how our body clock functions: larks, owls, and in-betweens.
- Larks are people who wake up early and feel most energetic in the morning. They typically go to bed early and have a lot of ambition to get things done.
- Owls are people who feel most energetic at night and stay up late. They typically wake up later in the day and have a more relaxed attitude towards life.
- In-betweens are people who have some qualities of both larks and owls.
Knowing your chronotype can help you to understand how your body clock works and what times of the day you are most productive. You can then use this information to help you become one of the early birds.
Figure out your chronotype and work with it, not against it.
As we discussed earlier, there are three chronotypes that indicate how our body clock functions: larks, owls, and in-betweens. Determining which chronotype you are can help you to understand your own your internal body clock to know when you are most productive.
There are many ways to determine your chronotype. One way is to take the Chronotype Quiz by Dr. Michael Breus. This quiz asks a series of questions about your daily habits and preferences to help you determine which chronotype you are.
Another way to determine your chronotype is by looking at your natural body clock. If you wake up early and feel most energetic in the morning, you are likely a lark. If you feel most energetic at night and stay up late, you are likely an owl. If you have some qualities of both larks and owls, you are likely an in-between.
Understanding your chronotype can help you in becoming an early riser.
You don’t have to be a morning person
It’s okay to not be a morning person. Not everyone is wired to wake up early and be productive. Some people are more energetic at night and prefer to work later in the day. This is perfectly normal and there is no shame in it.
There are many benefits to being a morning person, but it’s not for everyone. If you struggle to get up early or find that you’re more productive at night, don’t force yourself it. I Instead, find ways to work with your natural circadian rhythm and make the most of your time.
There are many ways to be productive throughout the day, regardless of what time of the day you work best. Try scheduling your most important tasks for the time of day when you are the most productive and leave the less important tasks for when you are less productive.
But if you’re a night person still wondering how to become a morning person, these 10 tips will help you get there.

10 Steps to Becoming a Morning Person
Now that we know what a morning person is and what type of person you are, let’s take a look at 10 steps that will help you become a one in no time!
1. Create a morning routine
The first step to becoming a morning person is creating a morning routine. Without a routine, it can be tough to stick to getting up early each day.
Your morning routine should be something that you look forward to and that makes you feel good. Mine includes waking up early, drinking a big glass of water, listening to an audiobook, and working out. I love waking up early and listening to an audiobook while getting dressed and driving to the gym. It’s a time for me to relax and get some quiet time in before the day starts.
Your routine can be anything that you want it to be, but it’s important that it’s something that you enjoy and will look forward to each morning.
A great resource to creating the perfect routine for your morning and embrace an earlier wake up time is the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.
2. Prep the night before
One of way to make the morning easier is to prep the night before. This means doing everything you need to do the next day so that you’re not rushed in the when you wake up.
If you wake up and have to rush around to get ready, it’s going to be tough to get up early and enjoy your morning.
Some things you can do the night before to make your morning easier are packing your lunch, laying out your clothes, and making sure everything you need for the day is ready.
If you have a busy morning, try to prep as much as possible the night before so that you’re not rushed.
3. Get out to bed to turn off your alarm clock
When you first start trying to become a morning person, it can be tough to get out of bed when your alarm goes off. You may feel like you need to stay in bed for a few more minutes or that you can’t get up because you’re so comfortable.
The best way to combat this is to get out of bed to turn off your alarm. This will help train your body to associate getting out of bed with stopping the alarm.
If you can’t get out of bed to turn off your alarm, try moving your alarm clock across the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
The more you can do to make getting out of bed easier, the better.

4. Get enough sleep – 7-8 hours is optimal
One of the most important things to do in order to become a morning person is to get enough sleep that means creating a sleep schedule. Most people need around 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
If you’re not getting enough sleep, it’s going to be tough to wake up early, enjoy your morning, and not want to fall asleep again.
Try to make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night so that you’re well rested and can wake up easily in the morning. That may mean that you create a sleep schedule that has a specific time to be in bed each evening.
If you know waking up at 7am is part of your morning routine, then making a sleep schedule that has you in bed by 11pm will ensure you’re getting enough sleep at night.
5. Use morning sunlight to help wake you up
One of the best ways to help embrace an early wake up time is by using natural light. When you wake up and see the sun shining through your window, it’s going to be a lot easier to get out of bed.
If your room doesn’t have much natural light exposure, try opening your curtains or blinds to let the light in.
The more exposure you have to morning sunlight, the easier it will be to wake up each morning.
6. Drink a big glass of water first thing
Drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning is a great way to start your day. When you drink water, it hydrates your body and helps flush out any toxins.
Drinking water first thing in the morning also helps to wake you up and get your day started.
If you can, try to drink a big glass of water as soon as you wake up. This will help you start your day off hydrated and refreshed.

7. Exercise in the mornings, even if it’s just for 10 minutes
One of the best ways to start your day is by exercising. When you exercise in the morning, you’re getting your day off to a good start and you’re energized for the rest of the day.
Even if you only have 10 minutes to exercise, it’s better than not exercising at all.
There are a lot of great exercises you can do in 10 minutes or less.
If you’re not use to working out in the morning, try starting with 5-10 minutes and work your way up to longer workouts. Whether that be in the gym on the treadmill, a walk around your neighborhood, or even a quick ab routine in your home.
8. Get dressed and ready for the day
One of the best ways to keep you up in the morning is by getting dressed and ready at the beginning of each day. When you’re dressed and have your makeup and hair done, it’s going to be a lot easier to avoid crawling back into bed.
Getting ready for the day also helps set the tone for the day. If you’re dressed and ready to go, you’re more likely to be productive and have a good day.
9. Get out of the house
When you get out of the house in the morning, it’s a lot easier to enjoy the early hours. When you’re out and about, you’re more likely to be productive and have a good day.
Some things you can do when you’re out of the house in the morning are go for a walk, go to the grocery store, go to a café, or go to the gym.
When you’re out and about, it’s going to be easier to get your day started.
10. Understand your why
Society puts morning people on a pedestal, but night owls have their own set of benefits.
“Early bird gets the worm.” We’ve all heard this saying, but is it really true? According to a study by The Huffington Post, morning people are actually more productive than night owls. However, this doesn’t mean that night owls are lazy or unproductive. In fact, they have their own set of benefits that morning people don’t have.
So when attempting to become a morning person, understanding exactly why you want to be one is important for actually having success. Simply because society has told you being an early riser is better than being a night owl, isn’t a very compelling reason to become one.
Instead, think about the specific benefits you want to achieve by becoming a morning person. Do you want more energy throughout the day? Do you want to have more time to work on your side hustle in the mornings? Are you wanting to have more time for yourself in the evenings?
Once you know your why, it will be easier to put together a plan of action. And if you’re a night owl, don’t worry – there are plenty of benefits to being one too! Just remember that it’s okay to be different, and there’s no shame in being who you are.

When it comes to how to become a morning person, even if you’ve always considered yourself a night owl, these 10 tips will help you do just that and leave you actually looking forward to waking up each morning.
Follow these tips and even the best night owls will be well on your way to becoming a morning person in no time! What are some of your favorite ways to wake up in the morning? Let us know in the comments below!
Want to see my morning in action? Follow me on Instagram @CassScroggins
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The Comments
Transforming into a morning person is achievable! Incorporate consistent sleep routines, enjoy a healthy breakfast, and embrace morning activities. In Richmond, Air offers great tips to make mornings enjoyable!