How to Design The Perfect Stay at Home Mom Schedule to Stay Sane
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As a stay at home mom it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out trying to balance all of the things competing for our time. In this post, we’ll discuss how to create the perfect stay at home mom schedule that will help you accomplish tasks, maintain your sanity, and thrive as a stay at home mom.
- A Good Routine and Schedule Will Save You, and Your Sanity
- Kids Thrive with Routine and Structure
- Creating a Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule: Time Blocking
- My Stay at Home Mom Daily Schedule
- Morning Routine (7 AM – 10 AM)
- Outing/Errands (10 AM – 12 PM)
- Lunch (12 PM – 1 PM)
- Naps & Quiet Time (1 PM – 3 PM)
- Outing/Errands (3 PM – 5 PM)
- Dinner (5 PM – 6 PM)
- Family Time (6 PM – 8 PM)
- Bedtime Routine (8 PM – 8:30 PM)
- Adult Time & Reset (8:30 PM – 10 PM)
- Things to Keep in Mind
- Make the mornings more productive as a mom
- Get enough sleep
- Remember to schedule time for yourself
- Consider your kid’s personalities
- Use a planner
- Free Printable Stay a Home Mom Schedule Planner
- Final Thoughts
A Good Routine and Schedule Will Save You, and Your Sanity
Without any sort of routine or structure, we can often find ourselves at the end of a busy day or busy week completely exhausted. Often without completing anything on our to-do list.
We’ve been there right? Your partner comes home from work, the house a wreck, kids watching their 5th hour of TV, and you’ve got a toddler strapped on your hip. You’ve used your last ounce of sanity to start on dinner when they say,
“What did you even do all day?”.
Lemme just say, Hell hath no wrath like an overwhelmed, underappreciated stay at home mom.
Or maybe when you finally crawl into your bed at night you’re the one asking yourself that question.
“What did we even do today?”, “How do other moms do it?”, or “Why can’t I ever get anything done?”
First of all, you’re definitely not alone. Motherhood is hard, but I’ve found by creating a well-thought-out daily schedule, you can make the most of your time, feel accomplished, and save your sanity.
How to stay at home moms survive?
With a good stay at home mom schedule. These daily routines can help you thrive instead of just survive having a happier mom life.
Kids Thrive with Routine and Structure
If you have young kids, then you know they love routine. In fact, they need it!
A daily routine in their life gives them a sense of security because they know what’s going to happen next. It helps with behavior problems and meltdowns because they’re not trying to figure out what’s going to happen, they already know.
In fact, in a study done on kids in daycare, it was found that the children who had a solid routine with structure did better both behaviorally and developmentally than the children who didn’t.
This is another reason to have and implement a good family daily schedule.
Creating a Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule: Time Blocking
The easiest way to create a daily stay at home mom schedule is to split the day into time blocks then assign tasks to specific time slots. Starting with either when you or your kids wake up, and ending when you go to bed.
Make a list of the tasks you need/want to get done each day
The first step to creating the perfect SAHM schedule is to make a list of all the tasts you need and want to get done each day. This can include things like:
- Morning routine
- Household Chores
- School pick up and drop off
- Nap time
- Meal times
- Running errands
- Outings and playdates
- Independent play or quiet time
- Homework
- Cleaning
- Extracurricular activities
- Bedtime routines
- Adult time
- & Self care
Remember that the main benefit of this stay at home mom schedule is that your family will be able to follow it every day. It will become the default habit of your family that leads to less overwhelm for both parents and children.
Because of this, you don’t want to get carried away with overscheduling every second and filling in every tiny detail. Think of it more as a loose schedule that will allow you to get everything done you need to and provide your children with some managed expectations for their day.
So instead of making a list full of all the small tasks in your day like bath time, brush teeth, put on pjs, read books, sing songs, and lights out. Simply list Bedtime routine.
Necessities first then fill in the rest
Now that you have your list it’s time to fill in your time blocks starting with the top priorities or things with a specific time, then filling in with the rest.
Fill in the school pick up and drop off, meal times, and when morning and bedtime routines will be done, then add everything else. For example, this is what my stay at home mom schedule looks like.
My Stay at Home Mom Daily Schedule
Here is my daily stay at home mom schedule I use to organize my day and get everything done that we need to.
- Morning Routine (7 AM – 10 AM)
- Outing/Errands (10 AM – 12 PM)
- Lunch (12 PM – 1 PM)
- Naps & Quiet Time (1 PM – 3 PM)
- Outing/Errands (3 PM – 5 PM)
- Dinner (5 PM – 6 PM)
- Family Time (6 PM – 8 PM)
- Bedtime Routine (8 PM – 8:30 PM)
- Adult Time & Reset (8:30 PM – 10 PM)
Keep in mind that right now, my oldest is preparing to go to kindergarten so my own stay at home mom schedule with toddlers will look a little different than those stay at home mom schedules with school age children.
Either way, this method still works for all kids of families. Here’s a more detailed look at my home schedule.
Morning Routine (7 AM – 10 AM)
The day always starts with our morning routine which includes, waking up, eating breakfast, getting kids ready, and doing our chores. And it all starts when the kids wake up.
We start our early mornings around 7 am and since my husband heads to work early he’s already gone when we wake up. Which honestly makes the day easier since they don’t have to get sad saying goodbye to dad first thing.
Instead we start the day with breakfast. Then after breakfast is done, we start on our chores.
I have made each of my older boys (5 and 3) a cute chore chart that has velcro pictures of each task that they move from the to-do side of their chart to the done side which they love. You can see how I made it here.
Each of their chore charts include:
- Make their own beds
- Get dressed
- Brushing teeth
- Do hair
- Clean rooms and all toys
- Put dirty clothes in the hamper
- a few specific jobs for each – My second child (3) opens all the blinds in the house, and my first child (5) unloads the dishwasher
- and a couple of weekly chores that only need to be completed once a week on Saturdays.
Having these chore charts has made the mornings go really smoothly since they boys already know what’s coming every morning. And it’s made them much more independent and confident in their own abilities since I have them do everything themselves, including getting dressed and doing their own hair.
During this time, I help the other 2 boys (18 months and 4 months) do the same tasks. Then I’ll get ready myself while the boys finish up their chores.
Ideas for other tasks to include in your morning routine:
- Homework
- School drop off
- Feeding/Taking care of pets
- Self care (possibly before the kids get up)
- Journaling
- Reading
Outing/Errands (10 AM – 12 PM)
After breakfast and chores in the morning, it’s time for our first outing. This time is also when my baby takes his morning nap in his car seat which is honestly where he has the best sleep!
I think the key for you and your kids to stay sane is making sure you’re getting out of the house at least once. We personally try to get out twice. Once in the morning, and once in the afternoon.
This morning outing time is reserved for a fun outing for the kids (usually a park visit) along with time to run errands.
In my stay at home mom schedule, I plan for 2 outings so I have two opportunities to get the things done that I need to. Along with two opportunities for an outing where the kids play.
This means that if the grocery shopping for the week took all morning and we didn’t make it to the park that I had promised, we have an opportunity to go later in the day.
Also, the promise of a fun outing daily for the kids makes them behave much better while running errands. It’s a win-win!
Lunch (12 PM – 1 PM)
Once we get back home it’s time to eat lunch! The older kids will often help me prepare it and pick out what we’re having or sometimes we’ll grab Chick-fil-a on the way home. You know how it is.
After we eat lunch, we’ll clean up, change diapers, and it’s time for naps and quiet time.
Naps & Quiet Time (1 PM – 3 PM)
In my stay at home mom schedule, right after lunch is the perfect nap time and quiet time for my kids.
My youngest two will nap and the older two get free play quiet/rest time. Sometimes my 3 year old will even nap too.
I find that after the morning outing, they’re usually at least a little tired, so this fits really well into this time block. For the most part, there’s no fighting or arguing about it, they naturally feel like relaxing so it works great.
During quiet time, they can watch tv or a movie, play legos, play a video game, color, read, do puzzles or anything that is quiet. Essentially as long as you’re not yelling, throwing things, or running around, you’re good to do it.
Another element of this time is it has to be independent play. Mom can help you get the crayons or turn on a show but after that, it’s time to relax.
I also find that this nap and independent time does great things for their curiosity. Since they know that during this time, mom isn’t going to solve their boredom for them, they find all kinds of creative quiet things to do.
Finally, during this time I think about what needs to be done for dinner prep, and anything else on my to-do list.
Outing/Errands (3 PM – 5 PM)
After my littles wake up from nap times, we like to do one last outing for the day. If we already got a park in, then this may just be all of us playing in the backyard at the sandbox or water table or we’ll play bikes or cars in the cal-de-sac.
However, if I didn’t finish my errands or we didn’t get to do a fun outing, this is where we’ll do those. Again, for me, it’s always nice to have two outing opportunities planned into my stay at home mom schedule so we have a little more flexibility to our day.
Dinner (5 PM – 6 PM)
Around 5 pm my husband finishes working, and we have dinner. The kids will play as I prep dinner and then right before it’s ready I have them set the table.
During dinner, we use this time to talk about their day, what their favorite part was, and any other fun questions to bond as a family. Then we all clean up and move into family time.
Family Time (6 PM – 8 PM)
After dinner, we spend quality time as a family. My husband gets to spend time with the kids and they’re always excited to play with dad.
We may watch a movie together, play a game, or talk about the rest of our week and the activities we have or want to do. Other nights we may use this time to go to a sporting event or walk together.
Bedtime Routine (8 PM – 8:30 PM)
Next on the evening schedule is bedtime. Our routine includes:
- Putting on PJs
- Brushing teeth
- Reading books
- Go to sleep
At 8 pm we get the kids ready for bed by putting on our pajamas, the boys brush their teeth, then pick bed time books for us to read. After reading they get in bed and go to sleep.
During this, we also feed our baby a bottle and then put him to sleep at the same time.
Adult Time & Reset (8:30 PM – 10 PM)
My favorite part of the night! After we’ve put everyone to sleep, my husband and I spend some time together and get the house ready for the next day. This allows us to connect and helps the week go smoothly too.
This is the time all us stay at home moms need to rejuvenate and recharge. This is where we can add in self care to the schedule too.
For me, this is often where the working mom in me comes out and I get to work on things like writing this post! My husband and I also watch shows and just get some time to relax, talk about things.
I believe this is the time we need as stay at home moms to survive!
After the house is all set for the next day and we watch a show, I head to bed around 10 pm so I can actually wake up the next morning.
Things to Keep in Mind
Here are some more tips to keep in mind when creating your own stay at home mom schedule.
Make the mornings more productive as a mom
Your morning can set the tone for the entire day. It’s important to have a good morning as a stay at home mom so you’re not frazzled the rest of the day.
One thing you can consider is getting up before your kids, even if it’s just 30 minutes. This gives you some time to gather your thoughts, maybe do a little bit of exercise, enjoy some coffee, and get yourself ready for the day.
Making the mornings more productive can also look like just making sure your morning is organized to promote positive attitudes that will help the day go smoothly. If you feel stressed or frustrated at the beginning of your schedule, it will make the rest of the day hard as a mom.
So plan your mornings to promote a positive attitude and get things done. Not a morning person? Here are some tips to help you have an easier morning!
Get enough sleep
It’s hard to be a good mom when you’re exhausted. That’s why it’s important to get enough sleep, especially if you’re a new mom or have young kids.
Most experts say you should shoot for 8 hours of sleep each night, but every mom is different so find what works best for you and stick to it.
Remember to schedule time for yourself
One of the hardest parts of being a stay at home mom is feeling like you don’t have time for yourself. You are constantly giving to your family and it’s easy to forget to schedule in some “me” time.
But it’s important to remember that in order to be the best mom you can be, you need to take care of yourself too. Make sure to schedule in some time each week, even if it’s just 30 minutes, to do something that makes you happy.
This can be anything from reading a book, taking a walk, getting a mani/pedi, or just relaxing on the couch.
Just make sure you find time for you so you don’t get overwhelmed! Whether it’s before the kids are up, after bed like me, or time where your partner helps make sure it’s in the schedule!
Consider your kid’s personalities
The best stay at home mom schedule is one that is beneficial to your kids too. So consider their personalities when creating your schedule.
If your kids are the type that like to have a lot of activities and are always on the go, you might want to consider adding in more scheduled activities. But if they’re more laid back and enjoy just exploring and playing, maybe having less scheduled activities is better for them.
One book that helped me to identify my kid’s personalities better was The Child Whisperer by Carol Tuttle.
It’s a great read and will help you to understand your kids better so you can create a schedule that fits their needs! You can check out the book here.
Use a planner
One way to make sure you’re on track for your day is by using a planner. This will help you map out what you want to do each day, and it can also help with remembering extracurricular activities too.
You can print the free printable mom planner and stay at home mom schedule template I use below!
Free Printable Stay a Home Mom Schedule Planner
Get my free 10 page printable mom planner that includes a daily schedule template to help you create the perfect stay at home schedule for your family!
Get the free mom planner here !
Or snag the full printable 45 page Ultimate Mom Planner here! The full planner includes 6 sections to help you make a schedule, meal plan, keep your house in order, handle your finances, help with your own personal development and goals and more!
Final Thoughts
The perfect stay at home mom schedule is the one that works best for you and your family. There is no one size fits all solution, so find what works for you and go with it!
And if you need some help staying organized, and create a daily routine as a mother make sure to grab my free printable mom planner below. It’s helped me to stay on track and I know it will do the same for you!
Snag the planner here .
What tips do you have for creating the perfect stay at home schedule for moms? Share in the comments below!
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The Comments
this is really amaizng and intresting article. thanks for sharing this article.
Such lovely information and helping this great blog thanks for sharing this amazing and learning this article
Tammie McIntire
Thank you so much for sharing. I struggle with a routine sometimes but I followed your routine last week and it was so nice. I was able to be more productive and present for my kids. I even called to get professional Carpet Cleaning in Sherwood Park, AB that I’ve been putting off for so long. It really helps when I know what I’m supposed to do during the day. Thanks!