The Easiest Way to Fast Track Your Success as a Blogger
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I know something about you. You wanna know what I know about you?
Well, the fact that you clicked over to this blog posts tells me that 1: you’re a blogger. That one’s obvious.
But the fact that you clicked over to this specific post also tells me that you aren’t just a casual hobby blogger who blogs simply to pass the time. You’re a serious blogger who is actively working towards creating not just a successful blog, but a successful business that makes money while serving its readers.
Am I right?
Well if you are that serious blogger I know you are and you’re ready to fast track your blogging success, then you’re in the right place.
The Easiest Way to Fast Track Your Blog’s Success:
From a blogger who spent the first few months trying to figure out the ropes all on her own, I can tell you the #1 easiest way to fast track your success as a blogger is to invest in blog training!
I’m talking ebooks, courses, coaching sessions, etc. Anything that can lay out step by step how to grow and run a successful blog from someone who has gone before you and seen success.
I know you might have been hoping my answer was some secret quick trick like, run a Facebook ad or to use a specific blog theme. Sorry, no secret here. Instead, the secrets (which aren’t actually secrets) are inside paid blog trainings, ebooks, courses, and more.
The fastest way to see success blogging is to invest in your blogging education.”
It’s as simple as that.
Why good blog training makes all the difference:
Blogging is like assembling an Ikea bunk bed without an instruction manual.
If you worked and reworked, you could assemble the entire bunk bed all by yourself eventually.
Granted, it’d probably take you way longer than it ever needed to. But not only that, it also came with all kinds of stress, frustration, and discouragement as you put together then took apart pieces again until they finally all fit.
That’s what blogging is like when you try to figure it out all on your own.
I know because I did that for the first 4 months of my blogging journey. I scrolled endlessly through Pinterest and Google trying to figure out what to do and often found myself building and rebuilding my blogging bunk bed trying to figure out what was right and what wasn’t.
However, blogging with the right blog training can not only be like having a manual for your bunk bed but having the head Ikea assembler at your right hand showing you the fastest most efficient way to get from start to finish. Even adding in their own “secret” tips on how to make your bunk bed even better than the manual doesn’t include.
Now instead of your rickety bunk bed that took you what seems like forever to assemble, you can assemble the best bunk bed in only a few hours leaving you without a headache and with the confidence that the work you did, you did right.
Investing in your blogging education from other successful bloggers can fast track your blogging success by showing you the exact steps to take and in what order to reach your blogging goals rather than throwing spaghetti at the wall trying to see what sticks.
If you’re trying to take a road trip from San Diego to Miami, you can get there eventually by going up through Las Vegas and Utah but it’s going to take you a lot longer than It would have if you had just taken the I-10 through Arizona and Texas. A good blog training is your GPS app on your phone telling you how to get from point A to point B the fastest, what roads are closed, and what traffic looks like.
Blog Trainings I Suggest:
Elite Blog Academy – Blogging Course
EBA was the blog training that I invested in as a brand new blogger and it is by far the best investment I have ever made for my blog. It is the reason my blog is as successful as it is today.
If you only invest in one blogging course, I highly suggest Elite Blog Academy. EBA is perfect for the newbie blogger or even the seasoned blogger. And teaches you everything you need to know to become an elite blogger.
In all simplicity, EBA is a clearly laid out, step-by-step guide that will show you, in crystal clear detail, exactly what to do to create a successful, profitable, and sustainable online business. It teaches you how to refine your message, grow your audience, monetize your platform, and build your business in 4 modules broken down into 12 units.
EBA is a huge investment. It isn’t just another $147 blogging course, but with the big price tag comes a complete knowledge. It doesn’t just teach you one aspect of blogging, it teaches you the whole package and strategy to be successful. And in my opinion, it was worth every penny.
The thing is, EBA is only open for enrollment ONCE A YEAR! So your best bet on getting in is by joining their waitlist ASAP! You can get on the waitlist here.
How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukup – Ebook/Book
Another good blog training is Ruth Soukup’s (creator of Elite Blog Academy) book, How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul. It offers solid advice and practical action plans for creating an authentic, successful, and profitable blog.
I first read Ruth’s book before I invested in Elite Blog Academy. While her book doesn’t go as in-depth as the course, it was a great eye opener for me as a new blogger to the business and strategy involved in profitable blogging. I had many ah-ha moments throughout this book and highly recommend it plus it’s cheap.
The nice thing is you can actually read this book 100% free when you sign up for a 30-day free trial of Amazon.com’s Kindle Unlimited program. Simply sign up for your free trial, read the book and cancel before the free trial is up and it won’t charge you a dime!
Sign up for a free trial of Kindle Unlimted here, or you can simply buy Ruth’s book here.
Mom to Momtrepreneur – Guide to Conquering Your First 30-Days Blogging During Nap Time. – Ebook
The Mom to Momtrepreneur ebook guide is perfect for the brand new blogging momma.
It lays out a 30-day schedule that covers everything you should do your first-month blogging to fast track your success. Not only that, but tasks are broken down into 2 1/2 hour tasks (your average nap time length) so you can complete everything during your babies nap time!
And because it’s an ebook, it is a really cheap option for your first blog training. While the ebook was created for mommas, all the information inside is specific for any new blogger not just moms so even if you don’t have a baby napping this ebook will work for you too!
Get the Ebook here!
The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit by Ultimate Bundles – Collection of blogging Ebooks, courses, pdfs, videos, and more. (The most bang for your buck!)
The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is a collection of killer Ebooks, courses, pdfs, video trainings, and more all on the subject of successful blogging. The bundle always has a total value of over $1000 but it is all bundled together and sold for only $97-$147.
The contents of the toolkit changes every year with new trainings being added in so each year the bundle is full of different blog trainings ranging in topic to include all aspects of blogging. Content creation, monetization, email marketing, you name it the toolkit has it.
The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is the most bang for your buck when it comes to blog trainings so if you have a small budget then I would suggest saving your money for this bundle.
The thing about the toolkit is that it too only opens once a year and occasionally twice a year when they decide to have a flash sale. So again you can join their waitlist to be notified when it goes back on sale (usually October-ish). Join the waitlist here.
What if I can’t afford good blog training?
Investing in your blogging education can be really scary, especially when your blog is making $0. And depending on your situation after paying for your domain and hosting you may really not have any disposable income to put towards a big blogging course.
I get it.
But blog training IS the fastest way to see success blogging. If I told you that if you gave me $10 today then I’d give you $100 tomorrow you’d throw that $10 my way immediately wouldn’t you? Yeah, we all would.
So instead of looking at the risk, (Is she going to give me that $100 tomorrow?! IF not I’m out $10!) look at the reward. (It would have taken me a whole week to make $100, but now I’ll make it in one day by spending my $10 now!)
If you are truly determined to turn your blog into a profitable success then you need to start looking at your blog like a business. I mean, I don’t know any other business that you can start for only the $80 you spent on your domain and hosting that has the same huge earning potential that blogging does.
Think of all the money people spend every semester on their education. Thousands every semester so they can get a job when they graduate. Think of putting up a few more dollars towards good blog training as getting your “blogging degree”. When you invest in your blogging education you can earn more money through your blog faster than you would on your own.
It truly is the fastest way to see success blogging. If you want to see big results, invest in a killer education.
Blog training won’t help you if…
It doesn’t matter how much money or time you spend on blog training if you don’t put your head down and actually do the work, then it will all just be a big waste.
I see it all the time, someone starts a course or book, get’s half way through then gives up. Either because they aren’t seeing results fast enough or because they are simply too lazy to keep going. They then claim that that course, ebook, whatever, was just a big waste of money.
The difference between those who see success in blogging and those who don’t are that those who are successful are willing to put in the work and stay committed.
They do every assignment even if they think it’s stupid. Give themselves a schedule and stick to it. They commit to finishing.
Blogging is hard.
I’m not here to tell you it’s easy or a get rich quick scheme by any means. And if you got into blogging to make money fast then you’re in for a rude awakening my friend.
But I will tell you that with the right work ethic and your willingness to put in the hours you CAN be successful and profitable. You can make a part-time and even full-time income from your blog if you can put in the work and stay committed.
And the fastest way to get there is to invest in your blogging education. EBA was the blog training that made me what I am today and what I will become in the future.
Go and find the right blog training for you and I know it will fast track your success! What will you do now?