Hello Bo!
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Bo Blackburn Scroggins
Welcome to the world Bo Blackburn Scroggins our 4th baby boy! Bo was born November 16th, 2021 at 5:33 pm weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches long.
Can You believe we had a fourth boy?! I cannot believe it!
With all our other pregnancies I could not wait to find out what we were having, literally could not wait! But with each of our kids, Brian wanted to wait and have a surprise baby at delivery and I just couldn’t do it!
Finally, with us knowing this would be our fourth and final baby, I decided I needed to practice a little patience and let him have the surprise baby he wanted.
From the beginning I felt like he was another boy but when I saw him in the hospital room I still couldn’t believe we had managed to have 4 boys (technically 5 since we know we miscarried a little boy) in a row! I mean what are the odds?
I guess some mamas were just meant to be boy moms and I just happen to be one of them!
Labor & Delivery
I was induced early with my Jamie and Mickey due to low amniotic fluid but was able to make it to a voluntary induction at 39 weeks with both Kobe and Bo despite trying to get them so come sooner!
My due date with Bo was November 23rd so I scheduled to be induced November 16th which put me at exactly 39 weeks which is the soonest they will induce without a medical reason. I personally asked to be induced with all my kids after I was induced with my first and it being a 10 out of 10 experience.
I know a lot of people hate being induced or that sometimes being induced can slow the delivery process but for me and my body, it has been a quick, fast, DREAM every single time. In fact, each time was faster and easier than the last (I only did 4 pushes with Jamie and Mickey and only half a push with Kobe and Bo that’s it!).
Our induction was scheduled for November 16th at 10am, they checked me before starting any meds and I was already dilated to 6cm! My last delivery took 5 1/2 hours from starting meds to delivery so I was pretty convinced that I was going to have a short 3 hour labor this time.
However, my doctor had clinic that day so he didn’t want me to have my baby until he was done there at 5pm. So instead of breaking my water an hour in like we should have, we broke my water at 5:30 after my doctor got there and Bo was born immediately after half a push at 5:33pm.
My doctor then told me that if he would have had them break my water at 1:30pm like they were going to (I started Pitocin at 12:30) I would have had Bo before 3pm.
The way he was situated all he needed was my water to be broken and he would have came right away so I was pretty peeved that all I was waiting in that bed for an extra 2 1/2 hours was my doctor to finish his appointments. I guess thats just the trade off doing a voluntary induction on a day he has clinic, right?
Still this was my fastest delivery at just 5 hours and again an easy half push like with Kobe.
Once Bo was out they lifted him up and I said “It’s a boy!” and couldn’t believe it!
I was worried about how I was going to feel if he was a boy since I had been hoping to add a girl to the mix but instantly it just felt right. It felt so natural and complete.
He was my boy. He was my Bo.
Life with 4 Boys
Its been about 2 weeks now and both mama and baby are doing great! Having 4 kids however, especially since my third is only 15 months old, has been rough!
It is throwing both me and my husband through a loop and is definitely the hardest transition we’ve had so far but we’re making it work. Brian is off from work for now so that has been the only way we’ve been surviving.
But even with all the chaos and crazy new normal we’re still getting use to, we’ve been loving every second with our little Bo. The boys love him and are great helpers. I’m excited at the idea that my chapters of pregnancies and having babies is over and now just get to focus on these 4 boys growing up.
We just bought a house out in a part of town we’ve been dying to get into so we’ve got a lot to keep busy with and focus on.
Here’s to a new chapter of life and days filled with baby snuggles.