5 Step Messy Top Knot
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Today’s post is a look that I rock ALL THE TIME!
Being a stay at home mom with a grab-anything-he-can-get-his-hands on 4 month old, pulling up my hair away from curious little hands helps me in being more patient with my little one.?
Luckily for me, this messy top knot is also a look I can wear going out with the hubby, or just running down town to the grocery store. And the very best part of this perfect messy top knot is it only takes 5 steps! This means I can literally do this up-do in less than 5 minutes, and I’m ready to go!
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- 1 Hair elastic (I always use these ones, they are the best!)
- 2 (or more) Bobby pins (These ones are great drugstore bobbys. But these ones are my absolute favorite! They don’t slip!)
Yup that’s it! But if you’re having trouble with this look, here are some extra tips!
- Bobby pins won’t stay? Spray a hairspray like this one on your bobby pins before placing them.
- Bun/top knot too heavy and keeps flopping over? Spray your hair with a texture spray like this one to give it grip and help it stay up.
- Like the fall out pieces that frame my face? I use a razor like this one to cut baby pieces around my face!
- Did you know I do all my own highlights/balayage from home? Here’s what I use!
Check out all my favorite hair products here! (Best products straight from a hairstylist 😉)
Watch the 5 Step Messy Top Knot video tutorial:
5 Step Messy Top Knot:
1. Start by pulling your hair into a half pony, and fan out the fold.
2. Next loop the tail back into the elastic.
3.Take the edges of the fold and also tuck those back into the elastic.
4.Pull the top to make more of a 3-leaf clover look.
5. Take the new edges of the clover or fold, one at a time, and pull it across the front, overlapping each other, and secure with a few bobby pins.
Finish the look by pulling out a few pieces of hair to frame your face!
Play around with the bun, add pins where you want and pull pieces in different directions for a more complex look! Have fun! Remember to pin and share this post using the widgets on the top (or side on desktop) of your screen!
The Comments
I’m confused…I never saw where you put the rest of your hair up in the back but in the end it looks like its all up. I love the look though, I usually do a sock bun or just twist and wrap it in a bun.
Cassie Scroggins
SarahSorry it’s all tucked back into the elastic!
SarahIt’s just worded poorly. She doesn’t mean to put hair in a half pony tail like she said. (half up and half down) She means to put hair into a pony tail, but only pull it half way through. That’s exactly what I thought she meant too until I watched the video.
Michelle Barnes
SarahRead the top it gives instructions for how to straighten the hair pull it into a ponytail and then use Bobby pins to pull down the pieces of hair into loops read from the very top down
I love how quick this style is, and how pretty the end look is. Thank you for sharing!
Dionne Mosley
It says tutorial, but when you click on the arrow to start it , it never played so I have no idea how to even start this bun. It’s very cute , could u please send it to me please,
Thank you,. Dionne Mosley.
Cassie Scroggins
Dionne MosleyHere’s the direct link to the video Dionne! I’ll shoot it to you in an email too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnS3a6b9kPA
Thank you so much for this video. I have long hair and MS and I can finally put my hair up and still look respectable. Lol 😁
Thank you again, Shelley
Cassie Scroggins
ShelleyYou’re so welcome!
Wow, worst “tutorial”. What does a HALF pony mean!? A description that’s not descriptive needs a pic. Thank you, next.
DusntmatterCalm down. There’s a video.
Too many ads, I could barely watch the video
To many pop ups to even attempt to read this tutorial I suggest laying off the side hustle ad making money and getting a 9 to 5.
The amount of adds is ridiculous during watching the video then you don’t even get to see the end of video.
Thank u for the free printable