How My Blog Made $4,219.02 in August
This post may contain affiliate links. That means we may make a small commission on items purchased through links in this post at no extra cost to you!
I still can’t believe that every month my blog generates money while I stay at home full time with my kids! 🤯
These past 6 months I took a break from the blog to focus on family and it continued to deposit $3,000+ each month into my bank account while I did nothing. See the details on that here!
Now that I’ve returned blogging, my first month back brought in over $4,200!
In this blog income report I’ll break down each income stream so you can truly see just how my blog earned $4,219.02 last month.
Why I Publish Income Reports
I know this might seem a little weird for me to be posting my income for all to see on the internet. Especially since money talk is so taboo. It’s definitely a don’t ask don’t tell type of thing in our society.
But when I was a new stay at home mom with my first son, stumbling upon a fellow blogger’s income report is the thing that sparked the blogging journey for me.
Without seeing that other mama’s blog income report, I never would have started my blog. I never thought that I could be a successful money making blogger and that income report is the thing that made me think, if that blogger could do it, maybe I could do it.
So now I post my own blog income reports as a sort of “pay it forward”.
Blogging seriously changed my life. It took me from unfulfilled, insecure, stuck in a mom rut to happy, confident, and bold enough to live my best life!
I am so fulfilled, and if I can help even just one mama to do the same by showing them what’s possible through my income reports, you bet I’ll post my blog income for all to see.
Also, posting my income reports can help others see my progression and journey.
Blogging definitely isn’t a get rich quick scheme and I’m not anything special! Just a girl who stuck with it and grew little by little. My income reports show that!

Want to Start Your Own Blog?
I am not special.
I don’t even have a bachelor’s degree, I’m not a trained writer, in fact I’ll bet you can find at least one grammatical or spelling error in every single one of my posts.
And knowing how to type things into Google is about the extent of my technical knowledge.
So when I started my blog, all I knew was I liked to write and I had an entrepreneurial spirit. So the idea of making money writing while at home with my kids seemed right up my alley! And now I make a full time income blogging while at home with my kids!
It even allowed me to be the sole provider for my family for the past year while my husband finished his degree! Keeping us completely out of credit card debt!
If Blogging seems like something you’d like to do, I’ve got a free guide that teaches you how to start your own blog!
And the best part about starting a blog is it’s basically a cheap hobby that makes you money! You can start your own money making blog starting at only $3.95 a month!
Check out my free step by step guide to starting your own blog here.
How My Blog Made $4,219.02 in August
**Note that I only include money that has actually hit my bank account. Not money that I earned this month but hasn’t been paid out yet.
- Amazon: $320.84
- Pinterest Launch Plan: $89.60
- Short Years Books: $792
Affiliate Income Total: $1,202.44
- AdThrive (ads on the blog): $2,194.01
- YouTube Ads: $258.28
Ad Income Total: $2,452.29
My Own Products:
(My Ultimate Blog Planner, Ultimate Mom Planner, Mom to Momtrepreneur eBook, Pinterest Pin Canva Templates, and Digital Wall Art Prints)
My Own Product Income Total: $564.29
August Total Blog Income: $4,219.02
August Traffic
Pageviews: 175,506 (Up from 165,021 in July)
How I Did: August Goals
If you’re on my email list you know I’ve made a goal to hit 200k pageviews and $5,000/month from the blog by January 1!
To hit these goals, my month goals for August were to hit 172,000 pageviews and make $3,800. I smashed each of those goals by hitting over 175k pageviews and over $4,200 in income!
What worked:
Typically September is the beginning of the up season for bloggers since school goes back in, people spend more time inside with the weather cooling down, holidays coming, etc. So the good traffic growth I think has a little bit to do with fall coming along, even with Covid changing up the typical swing of things.
Added a New Affiliate
But what really worked this month was adding in a major affiliate!
I’ve had a review for The Short Years Baby Books on the blog for a while (they are seriously the best baby books ever! You can check out that post here.), and it does really well on Google.
But they only just recently opened up an affiliate program and invited me to join! The best part is they also gave me a discount code which was a double win-win!
I was already promoting their books because I love them so much, and now I could give my readers a discount and get a kick back for each book purchased through my link at no extra cost to the buyer!
Boy I knew I was sending them some traffic but I truly learned the power of Google traffic when I could see the amount of sales I made in just a month!
99 sales y’all! Which resulted in $792 in affiliate income.
Adding The Short Years as an affiliate was a major reason I was able to break the $4,000/month barrier!
Since then, I’ve gone back through my post, added a video review and optimized it more for SEO to do even better on Google which should keep The Short Years as my top earning affiliate program right now.
Pinterest Launch Plan
Another thing that worked was implementing my Pinterest strategy again.
Last year I purchased Jennifer Maker’s Pinterest Launch Plan eBook and after implementing the strategies my Pinterest traffic exploded!
Since I took the first 6 months of 2020 off, I didn’t touch Pinterest at all. So this month I made sure to get back to implementing the strategies I learned from the Pinterest Launch Plan and in just one month of getting back to it, I increased my Pinterest pageviews by 10k.
Check out The Pinterest Launch Plan eBook here!
How Long it Took Me to Get Here.
I started my blog back in September of 2016 after having my first son, so it’s been exactly 4 years of blogging to get to this point.
I like to look at it like, in that time, I was earning my “blogging bachelors degree” and now after 4 years, I have it and the pay to go with it. And I did it all while being a full-time stay at home mom.
I’ve found that making money blogging is like rolling a snowball. It takes a while for it to get started, but once the ball is rolling it scales faster and faster!
From $0 to $4,000 a Month
- It took me 9 months to be making $100 each month from my blog. – May 2017 (I wrote a blog post all about it here.)
- 22 months to be making $1,000 each month. – June 2018
- 35 months to be making $2,000 each month. – August 2019
- 39 months to be making $3,000 each month. – December 2019
- 47 months to be making $4,000 each month. – August 2020
- And if I hit my goal which I think I will! 51 months to be making $5,000 each month from my blog. – Projected for December 2020
When I started my blog, I remember thinking my ultimate goal would be to make $1,000 a month from my blog. I would have been stoked to make $100 a month, but the real goal was $1,000.
And now looking at what I’ve accomplished and what’s ahead, there doesn’t seem to be an income cap in sight.
Especially watching my blogging friends like Jennifer Maker grow to the extent she’s grown, it helps me see that the growth potential for my blog is as big as I can imagine, and that is just so freaking crazy to me.
(We started our blogs at the exact same time, met inside a blogging course, and she now makes six figures A MONTH from her blog!🤯)
Tools That Helped
My number one suggestion I give to every person that wants to start a blog is to invest in good training.
I’m serious. If you want to make money blogging you can spin your wheels and flip through the endless articles on Google but the fastest way to do it is to learn from someone who has done it before!
If you want to be a lawyer, you need to get a law degree. If you want to be a dentist, you’ve got to go to dental school. If you want to be a teacher, you have to get a degree.
So if you want to really make money blogging, invest in the training to do it.
I did. Back in December of 2016 I took a leap of faith and paid $500 for a blogging course that ended up being the best decision I ever made for my blog.
Now 4 years later the price of that course has increased quite a bit but I still believe it is the very best blog training out there. It’s so in-depth, so well put together, and is constantly updated so it’s all new from the version I took 4 years ago.
It’s called Elite Blog Academy, but it only goes on sale to the public once a year, so if you’re interested in it, get on the waitlist now. You can get on the waitlist here.
Listen, I also understand that people lots of the time don’t have hundreds of dollars to spend on blog training.
While I do believe that Elite Blog Academy is the end-all be-all training when it comes to the best blogging course out there. If you can’t afford that right now but still want to get good training I have a few suggestions that I’ve invested in and loved!
Best Blogging Courses I Recommend:
Like I said above, EBA is #1 Suggestion. If you only invest in one course or training make it this one! This is everything you need to build a successful blog. Get on the waitlist here.
The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is always my #1 suggestion for the most band for your buck when it comes to good blog trainings. Every year Ultimate Bundles puts together a new toolkit of a ton of different blogger’s courses, ebooks, printables, guides, and resources all related to blogging and sells the entire bundle for only $97.
The value of the bundle is always thousands of dollars if you were to buy the trainings individually and they are always killer courses inside (like courses that are worth more than the $97 by themselves). But the GBTK also only goes on sale once a year so if you want to make sure you hear about it, be sure to hop of my email list or their waitlist here.
**Update! The GBTK is going to be on sale September 21st – 28th 2020 and this year it has 53 eCourses, 15 eBooks, 11 templates, 7 printables and workbooks with a total value of $7,484.88! Click here to check it out while it’s available!
When it comes to Pinterest training and driving traffic to your blog via Pinterest, the Pinterest Launch Plan eBook helped me explode my traffic to my blog.
The best part about PLP is it is seriously so cheap, but I’ve got to believe that it’s only a matter of time before Jennifer raises the prices. And you can get it right now! Right now you can snag it here for only $27! Crazy right?
To me, The Pinterest Launch Plan is the best Pinterest training I’ve found! It was a game changer for me!
Okay all, remember how I told you my new affiliate plus a post that does well on Google was the reason I was able to break $4,000 this month? Well this is the course that taught me how to harness the power of Google for my blog!
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and if you haven’t heard about it yet, as you continue to blog you will! Google traffic is so valuable and is one way that even small blogs generate big money.
Mike’s Stupid Simple SEO course is a must take course in my opinion but, like so many other of the best courses out there, it only opens for enrollment once a year. So your best bet is it hop on the waitlist here!
Finally I want to mention my quick start guide to your first 30 days blogging just incase you just don’t have the money right now to invest in a course but you want something to help you get the ball rolling!
The Mom to Momtrepreneur eBook is a complete guide to your first 30 days blogging including 12 essential tasks to do your first 30 days blogging to promote success for your blog! And it’s only $15. So if you’re willing to swap lunch to start your blog off on the right foot, this ebook is the one for you!
Goals For Next Month
August was a killer month! And I’m so proud of hitting $4,000 a month from my blog! The sky’s the limit right now so I’m super excited to implement some new strategies and stick with it to hit my goal of $5,000 by the end of the year!
For September I’ve set these goals:
- Hit 179,000 pageviews
- Make $4,100 (this keeps me on track to hit my $5,000 goal!)
- Hit 5,000 Instagram Followers (this is a scary one, 😬)
- Publish 3 blog posts and 6 emails!
I’ll be continuing to keep my Pinterest strategy going and to implement more google traffic from what I’ve learned from Stupid Simple SEO to hopefully push my traffic and income up even higher!
Wish me luck!
Final Thoughts
This month was a big month for me. And as I’ve just hit my 4 years of blogging, it’s just been crazy for me to look back and see what I’ve accomplished.
Blogging really changed my life. It pulled me out of feeling like “just a mom” but allowed me to still stay home with my kids. It’s my outlet, and the confidence that has come from doing it is just so freaking awesome. I feel like I put myself out there more, I’m happier, and more bold.
I am a big believer that every mom out there needs a “thing”. And outlet, a something she does just for her, and if you think blogging could be that for you then check out my free step by step guide here.
If I can do it, seriously, so can you.
Want to remember this post? Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board!

The Comments
Elizabeth Anne
Cassie, I am both encouraged and inspired by your words (and numbers!). I’m encouraged because I am in my fourth month of doing the hard work of starting a blog. While I am commenting on your post, one of my children is bouncing on a trampoline in the corner, another needs to be reminded to get back to doing schoolwork, and the third is sucking on a pencil that needs to be sharpened. Personally, it’s important to me to stay home with my kids. I need an income while doing so, and I want to do work that is meaningful to me and helpful to others. I am currently working with some of the products you outlined in this post, so I think I am on the right track. Thanks for your transparency. Your perspective and success are going to help keep me going this month and beyond!
Elizabeth Anne
Elizabeth AnneI know you are a busy mom and entrepreneur, but if you get a chance, please take a look at my site and tell me what you think. MyNameIsElizabethAnne.com
I’m open to any and all suggestions!
Elizabeth Anne
Elizabeth AnneI know you are a busy mom and entrepreneur, but if you get a chance, please take a look at my site and tell me what you think. MyNameIsElizabethAnne.com
I’m open to any and all suggestions!