$1,317.59 In One Month Working Whenever I Want, From My Laptop. – May Income Report
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Yes, last month I made over $1,300 as a stay at home mom working just a few hours a day whenever I felt like it. I didn’t work Saturdays or Sundays and when I did work, it was an hour here an hour there.
And at the end of the month I was $1,300 richer and never had to leave my house. And yet, I did. I drove across the country from Kentucky to Las Vegas. My little family drove up and stayed in Utah for a week, and if I were to fly to a Mexico resort I would still make money.
All I need is my laptop and wifi.
Also, did I mention I am the sole provider of my family of 4 right now? Crazy right? I’ll get to that later. Blogging has changed my life. Yes, me. A regular Jane momma makes an extra ≈$1,500 each month blogging.
You can see my latest income reports here:
- How I Made $1412.00 From My Blog in January – 2019 Blog Income Report
- How I Made $1,375.37 In February From My Blog – Month Income Report
- I Made $1,507.66 Last Month as a Stay at Home Mom Blogging less than 10 hours a week. – March
- Mommy Blog Income Report – $1,197.46 In April
If you’ve ever wanted to start your own blog, I’m here to help! Blogging changed my life and I’m passionate about helping others do the same. Get my free start a blog guide and checklist here!
*Note I only count income I actually received, not revenue I earned but hasn’t been paid out yet.
- Amazon Associates: $119.74
- Bluehost: $80
Affiliates Total: $199.74
- Mediavine: $801.76 (Ads on the blog)
- Youtube ads: $170.12
Ad Total: $971.88
Mom to Momtrepreneur, 38-Page Blog Planner, 46-Page Ultimate Mom Planner: $128.92
Etsy: $17.35 (Blogging Tees & Digital Prints) Check it out here!
Product Total: $146.27
May BLOG INCOME: $1,317.59
Pageviews: 72,500 (Down from 81,497 in April)
Pinterest Followers: 3,074 (+197)
Instagram Followers: 1,603 (-9)
Facebook Likes: 7,896 (+174)
Facebook Group Members: 336 ( +10 – You can join the Blog For Profit group here!)
Email list: 6,923 (-222) (Purged my list and got rid of about 600 inactive subscribers so this number is actually pretty good!)
- How to Make your Goals an Inevitable Reality – The Miracle Equation
- Best Laptop for Blogging and Bloggers – MacBook Air vs. Pro
- For The Mom Who Loves Motherhood but Hates Being Just a Mom.
- Ep: 006 Are You Too Late To The Blogging Game? (Podcast Episode)
Goals For June:
- Keep up on regularly emailing my list
- Get started on a course for them
- Post 2 new videos on Youtube
- Post 2 Podcast episodes
- Finish new welcome series for subscribers
I am the sole provider
So after moving from Kentucky back to Las Vegas to be closer to family, we moved back in with my in-laws to save some money. Even though Brian graduated from Law school, he isn’t a licensed attorney until he passes the Bar in our state.
And because the Bar test is only offered once in July and once in February and only has a passing rate of about 60%, if he doesn’t pass it in July we basically have to wait a year to try again. So he’s decided to stay home and study full-time instead of trying to work and study.
Which means I , and my blog, am THE SOLE PROVIDER in our home. Now, we don’t have to pay rent or anything because we are staying with his parents–thank goodness–but still. This little blog is the ship keeping us afloat right now and it feels pretty dang good.
Because I am able to make money and stay home with my kids, he can study uninterrupted instead of having to watch them while I bag groceries at Target or something.
My blog is the only reason he has the option to study full time instead of trying to do both. It’s given us options, and that is truly amazing.
Thinking about starting your own blog? Click here to read my full tutorial on how to set up your own profitable blog.

The Comments
John Fowler
Hi Cassie,
Great Income Report!
Really love how much detail you go into on the income breakdown.
I bet you feel amazing about all the effort you have put into your blog now – as you are sole provider 😀
One thing I would mention is the income you are reporting isn’t take-home profit, as you are not reporting your expenses. Might be something to consider for the future?
Despite that, these reports are great. We have a lot in common, as I am also writing Income Reports over at https://johnfowler.co/profitable-blog-income-report-june-2019-part-2/
Keep up the good work!
$2,532.45 In One Month Blogging without actually blogging! - Cassie Scroggins
[…] $1,317.59 In One Month Working Whenever I Want, From My Laptop. – May Income Report […]
Hi Cassie, how long did you blog to get to that number? Did you have any “aha moments” where you finally saw your hard work paying off? And how much do you typically invest in blog programs/maintenance?