10 Sure Fire Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem as a Mom and Feel More Confident
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Becoming a mom can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. It can also be one of the most challenging.
For many women, becoming a mom means losing ourselves and our identities. We put our needs on the back burner and often end up feeling like we’ve let ourselves go in multiple areas of our lives. As a result, our self esteem and confidence in ourselves diminishes and we can feel lost in motherhood and unhappy in our role.
This is exactly how I felt after becoming a mom. If this sounds like you, don’t despair. There are things you can do to regain your sense of self, feel happier, and boost your self esteem and feel more confident. Here are 10 sure fire ways to help you do just that:
- Self Confidence vs. Self Esteem
- Why is Having Good Self Esteem Important?
- 1. Get Ready for The Day
- 2. Exercise
- 3. Set Small Goals
- 4. Get Out of the House
- 5. Take Time For Yourself
- 6. Act and Think Positive
- 7. Recognize What You’re Good At
- 8. Identify Your Confidence Builders
- 9. Keep Learning and Developing
- 10. Build Confident Habits
- How to Maintain Higher Self Esteem as a Mom
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Self Confidence vs. Self Esteem
What is the difference between self confidence and self esteem?
Self-confidence is the belief in your own abilities, qualities, and judgement. It’s feeling sure of yourself and your capabilities. When you’re self-confident, you trust yourself to make decisions, handle challenges, and achieve your goals.
Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. It’s your overall opinion of yourself and whether or not you like and respect yourself. When you have healthy self-esteem, you have a positive view of yourself. You see yourself as worthy and deserving of good things. You’re also able to handle life’s challenges in a more positive and constructive way.
Self-confidence is different than self-esteem. While self-confidence is more about what you think, self-esteem is more about how you feel. Both are important for overall well-being and happiness.
Why is Having Good Self Esteem Important?
Having good self esteem is important for a number of reasons. When you feel good about yourself, you’re more likely to:
- Have more patience with your kids
- Feel happier and content
- Think positive and feel optimistic
- Handle stress and adversity better
- Make healthier choices
- Have more energy
- Sleep better
- Be more successful in your career
- Feel more connected to others
A good mom is a happy mom, so it’s important to do what you can to boost your self esteem. These 10 tips will to Boost Your Self Esteem as a Mom and help you feel more confident.
1. Get Ready for The Day
One of the best ways to feel more confident and better about yourself is to take care of yourself. When you like the way you look, you feel good.
Make sure you take the time to shower, dress in something that makes you feel good, and maybe put on makeup (if that’s your thing). Even if you’re just staying home with the kids, getting ready for the day will help you feel more put together and confident.
2. Exercise
Exercise is not only good for your physical health, it’s also good for your mental health. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.
Exercise can also help improve self-esteem by giving you a sense of accomplishment and helping you feel strong and capable. It can also be a great way to meet other moms and build friendships.
3. Set Small Goals
One of the best ways to boost self-confidence and esteem is to set small goals and achieve them. When you have something to work towards, you feel a sense of purpose which is an essential element of happiness.
You feel good about yourself when you accomplish something, no matter how big or small. So start with small goals. Not only will this help you make the actual changes you want in your life, but as you accomplish your small goals, it will help give you the confidence in yourself to tackle bigger goals.
Here’s a list of 150+ monthly goal ideas and the goal setting method that helped me lose 70 lbs, double my income, and pay off all $20k in CC debt all in the same year!
4. Get Out of the House
It’s easy to feel trapped when you’re at home all the time with the kids. You might start to feel like you’re going stir-crazy or like you’re missing out on adult conversation.
Getting out of the house, even if it’s just for a little while, can help you feel better. Go on a coffee date with a friend, take the kids to the park, or go to story time at the library. Just getting out and being around other people can help you feel more connected and less isolated.
5. Take Time For Yourself
It’s so important to take time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes a day. When you’re a mom, it’s easy to lose yourself in taking care of everyone else, but taking time for yourself can help you rediscover who you are which will help improve your happiness and self-esteem.
When you feel like you have no time for yourself, it can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and even depression. So make sure you’re taking some time each day to do something that’s just for you.
It can be anything that makes you happy and helps you relax. Maybe it’s reading, taking a bath, going for a walk, or listening to music. Whatever it is, make sure you’re making time for yourself every day.
Here are 10 helpful ways to actually find time for yourself without feeling guilty.
6. Act and Think Positive
One of the best ways to feel more confident is to focus on the positive. When you’re constantly thinking negative thoughts, it can take a toll on your self-esteem.
Try to catch yourself when you’re having negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. For example, instead of thinking “I’m so fat,” think “I’m working hard to lose weight and I’m doing great.”
It might sound cheesy, but it really does make a difference. When you act and think positive, you start to believe the positive thoughts which leads to improved self-confidence.
Try replacing your phone wallpaper with a motivational quote or writing a positive affirmation on your mirror to remind yourself to think positive each day.
7. Recognize What You’re Good At
We all have talents and skills, but sometimes it’s easy to forget what we’re good at when we’re focused on our flaws.
Recognizing what you’re good at can help you feel more confident in yourself. Whether it’s writing, cooking, being organized, or playing the piano, acknowledging your talents can help improve your self-esteem.
Think about what you’re good, it may even be things like, being empathetic, or noticing the details. Make a list of your talents and accomplishments then, try to incorporate those things you are good at into your life more.
8. Identify Your Confidence Builders
What makes you feel more confident? Is it dressing up, wearing makeup, or working out? We all have different things that help us to feel better about ourselves.
Identifying your confidence builders can help you to use them more often to improve your self-esteem and happiness. If you feel better when you’re dressed up, make sure you’re taking the time to do that more often.
Maybe you feel better when you’re taking care of yourself and working out. If so, make sure you’re making time for that too. Whatever it is that makes you feel more confident, make sure you’re doing those things on a regular basis.
Take note of the times that you feel more confident, and identify why. Then use that to your advantage!
9. Keep Learning and Developing
One of the best ways to boost your confidence and self esteem is to keep learning and developing. When you’re constantly learning and growing, it can help you feel more confident in yourself and optimistic about life.
Take a second to write down the kind of person you want to be. The best version of you. When you identify who you want to be and work on learning and developing into that person, you won’t worry about being like everyone else either.
Maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do, like play the guitar or speak a foreign language. Or maybe there’s something you want to do to develop professionally, like get a new certification or take a course.
Whatever it is, make sure you’re constantly learning and growing. When you’re doing things to improve yourself, it can lead to improved self-confidence.
10. Build Confident Habits
You can also build self-confidence by developing habits that are known to boost confidence. For example, practicing good posture, making eye contact, and smiling more often are all habits that can help improve your self-esteem.
Building confident habits can be a great way to feel better about yourself and become more confident over time. Start with small things, like making sure you sit up straight and smile more often. Then, as you get more comfortable, you can start adding in other confident habits.
Over time, these habits will become second nature and you’ll find that your self-confidence has improved significantly. Here are 20 habits of a confident woman who loves life!
How to Maintain Higher Self Esteem as a Mom
Motherhood can be hard, and we’ve seen just how easy a life change like this can be on our self-esteem. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to maintain high levels of self-confidence and happiness.
Remember to prioritize yourself, your happiness, and your needs. When you make sure you’re taking care of yourself, it’s easier to be the best version of yourself for your family.
When you prioritize yourself, it is easier to maintain a higher level of self-confidence. So make sure you’re making time for the things that make you happy and help you feel more confident.
So if you’re looking for a little confidence and self-esteem boost as a mom remember to:
- Get ready for the day
- Exercise
- Set small goals
- Get out of the house
- Take time for yourself
- Act and think positive
- Recognize what you’re good at
- Identify your confidence builders
- Keep learning and developing
- and to Build confident habits
What do you do to maintain your self-esteem? Do you have any tips to share? Let us know in the comments below!
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The Comments
Paige Westley
Love this! We all need things like this to boost self-esteem! Loved this blog and I am not yet a mom! I love to spend time doing things for myself and exercising and making sure I am always taking care of myself so I can take care of other people. The big thing is that you cant pour from an empty cup! If you are not boosting your confidence and self-esteem, how can you help anyone else? you have to take care of yourself first! Love this!
Love this blog! I never really thought of the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem, but it makes a lot of sense! I have good self-esteem, I just lack a lot of confidence! LOL
Cassie Scroggins
AlessandraIt’s so empowering to understand the difference! Then you can understand how to improve, that’s amazing!