I broke $3,000/month! + October Blogging Income Report
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Holy Cannoli! Guys, this month my blog pushed past the $3,000 a month mark in earnings and I’m so pumped! But, more on that in a second.
First, for those of you who may be new around here and thinking, “why the heck does this chick talk about her income?”. Well…
Why do I share my blogging income?
You see back in 2016 I was s new stay at home momma who was so sick of “just” being a stay at home momma. (I say “just” because we all know how much stinkin’ work being a mom is! There’s no “just” about it! It’s hard work that takes more hours and energy than you even have in you. It’s a full-time job in itself.)
For me, I craved more.
I was stuck in the mom rut of wanting more but also not wanting to sacrifice my ability to be home with my kids. I love those little guys! And being home with them was my #1 priority but still, I hated feeling like just a mom.
I hated feeling like my only purpose in life was to change diapers and make bottles. I hated seeing my husband leave every day for law school getting one step closer to his goals of becoming a lawyer. All while I stay stagnant, never progressing, stuck on my Groundhog’s Day of motherhood.
Then one day I saw a pin on Pinterest that read, “How I Made $12,484.68 in One Month as a Stay at Home Mom“. I clicked over to read a blog income report that told how this stay-at-home mom made a full-time income from home from her blog.
I was so inspired and remembered thinking, this was it!
This was what I needed. I had always been very entrepreneurial growing up so this blogging thing and starting your own low-cost business was right up my alley.
I started my blog a week later. All because of that one income report.
My blog has brought me the greatest purpose and fulfillment along with being a mom. It has pushed me and made me into the best version of myself for me and my boys.
Blogging changed my life. That blog income report changed my life.
So now I share my blogging income as a way to pay it forward. I hope that I can help inspire other moms who are struggling to find themselves in motherhood and help them to build their own successful blogs too.
Get my Free Start a Money Making Blog Guide
So, my friend, if you want to know how to start your own money-making blog, you can get my free guide and checklist below! Plus you’ll have an option to opt-in to my email list where I share my best tips, tactics, and blogging strategies with my community of bloggin’ mommas! Get the start a blog guide below!
Now on to the report. Income breakdown:
Check out my past income reports here:
- Mommy Blog Income Report – $1,197.46 In April
- $1,317.59 In One Month Working Whenever I Want, From My Laptop. – May Income Report
- June 2019 Blog Income Report – $1,489.35
- $2,532.45 In One Month Blogging without actually blogging!
- How My Blog Made $2,198.24 in September 2019 – Blog Income Report
October 2019 Blog Income Report:
***Note that I only include money that has actually hit my bank account. Not money that I earned this month but hasn’t been paid out yet.
- Amazon Associates: $294.11
- Bluehost: $0
- Ultimate Bundles: $8.44
Affiliates Total: $302.55
Ad Total: $1,665.77
My Own Products
Etsy: $133.95
The Blog Shop/Tripwires: $204.21
(Where I sell my Mom to Momtrepreneur eBook, 47-Page Blog Planner, and 46-Page Ultimate Mom Planner)
Product Total: $388.16
Total October Blog Income: $2,306.48
👆🏻👆🏻That’s not $3000+! Hold on! I’ll get there!
October Traffic & Stats
Pageviews: 122,390 (Up from 109,336 in September)
Pinterest Followers: 4,716 (+385)
Instagram Followers: 1,690 (+19)
Facebook Likes: 8,634 (+54)
Facebook Group Members: 395 ( +18 –You can join the Blog For Profit group here!)
YouTube Subscribers: 2,409 (+77)
Podcast Downloads: 850 (-179) ( Haven’t published a new ep in 2 months 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️)
Email list: 7,592 (+120) (Began deleting non-active subs)
I broke $3,000/month in earnings!!
Okay, so when I post my income reports I only ever post the money that actually hits my bank account that month. Which means, most of the money I am being paid out each month, was earned during a different month. Does that make sense?
For example, my add revenue is paid out 45 days after it is earned. So the $1,538.73 reported above was paid out on October 15th but I earned that ad income back in August.
Most blogging income reports report the amount that blogger EARNED that month. Not the money that actually hit their bank account.
But I like to report the blog income when it actually makes it into my hands. That way you know exactly how much I am living off each month.
I am so stoked about passing the $3,000 threshold that I just can’t wait till December to tell you about it! Yes, in October my blog EARNED $3,483.33!!
**Update! Here is the December income report where I earned over $3,700 in one month!!
This is money I have earned and only a portion of it is represented in my above income report. The rest hasn’t been paid out yet which is why my October income report isn’t above the $3,000 mark.
So after everything is paid out in December, I’ll have my very first over $3,000 income report and I only see my earnings continue to rise! New goal, $5,000 months!
What Worked this month:
Pinterest, per usual.
In September and October Pinterest had a big update that affected the traffic of so many! Tons of bloggers were (and still are) taking a big hit and continue to try to bring their traffic back up to where it was before.
My account, however, only continues to grow! For whatever reason, the update that Pinterest made didn’t affect my account negatively at all. In fact, my traffic is only growing. And I continue to believe that is due to the strategies I learned from Jennifer Maker.
I bought Jennifer’s Pinterest Launch Plan eBook back in March and was so impressed by how much it increased my traffic! I always had great success with Pinterest but her strategies are what pushed me over the edge into a higher and faster growth!
And the thing that I just can’t get over is the fact that I didn’t pay a couple hundred dollars for it! I still cannot believe that she is giving away this quality and quantity of information for so little. But I’m 100% certain that as more people find out about it and see success with her strategies, the price will go up.
***Update! The Pinterest Launch Plan is available now for only $27! You can snag it here!***
I’ve never gotten so much value out of such a small price before. (Well, except from the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit)
I highly recommend investing in this Pinterest Training. I believe it is the best training out there and you won’t find a value like this at this price anywhere else.
How I Did – October Goals:
- Publish 4 new videos to YouTube – Miss
- Publish 3 new Podcast Episodes – uh… no. Miss. 😅 I’ve been seriously slacking…
- Send out one new freebie to my email list to help them hit their blogging goals! – Check!
- Increase my traffic to 120k pageviews. – Check!
Goals For November:
- Breakdown Goals for 2020 using this life-changing goal method.
- Plan my content Calendar
- Get out a stinking Podcast Episode!
Wish me luck and keep an eye out for that December income report dropping in January to see how I actually made (not just earned!) $3,000+ in one month blogging!
Blogging seriously changed my life. And It is my mission to help others have what I have and feel the way I feel. So if you want to learn how to start a blog, you can stag my free guide below!
The Comments
Hey, Cassie! I’m a young teen who recently started a blog. You might find it a little strange to see me on a mother’s blog, but when I was first starting out and taking those first few baby steps, listening to your “Blog for Profit” podcast was one of the first things I did before building a website. I just wanted to mention how much I look up to you, your instagram your blog, and I was also wondering if you would consider adding me on your blog page? (I remember you mentioning that in your podcast, but I wasn’t sure if it only applied to mom bloggers). It would also mean so much if you could get back to me! Thanks so much, Cassie!!
God Bless,